Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Peg Rees appointed Interim Vice Provost for Educational Outreach

The Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Peg Rees as the Interim Vice Provost for Educational Outreach, a position that she will hold while continuing to also serve as the Executive Director of the Public Lands Institute.  Dr. Rees will provide the interim leadership to move the Division of Educational Outreach forward until the successful hiring of a new Vice Provost.

Dr. Rees is a Professor of Geosciences and has taught at both the community college and university levels, worked as an oil exploration geologist, and conducted National Science Foundation funded research, primarily in Antarctica, China, and the western United States. In addition, she has been an active member of the UNLV Women’s Studies faculty and has been funded by the National Science Foundation for interdisciplinary women’s studies, social science, and geology projects in earth science education.

While at UNLV, Peg has served as Chair of the Department of Geosciences, Associate Provost for Academic Resources, Senior Vice Provost, and as Associate Vice President for Research and Community Outreach. Most recently, she has led the development of the Public Lands Institute, which draws upon the expertise and creativity of faculty, students, and community members in southern Nevada and throughout the state and country to strengthen the national fabric that is essential for the protection, multiple use, sustainability, and management of public lands.

Please join us in expressing appreciation to Dr. Rees for her willingness to assume these additional duties and for her dedicated service to our university community.

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